Jun 15 , 2022
SPC Jackson earns Bronze Star with V for smoking ISIS in mass casualty event
While under fire in the middle of a mass casualty event, Specialist Collin Jackson treated the wounded and performed CPR, then destroyed an ISIS position with a 60mm mortar.
On August 16th 2017, SPC Jackson supported an Army Special Forces team patrolling with Afghan Commandos. The patrol came under attack and after 8 hours of fighting, sought cover in a compound to wait out the night. An explosion rocked the compound as the team entered, wounding 30 and killing 4.
SPC Jackson dismounted his vehicle and ran toward the explosion. ISIS fighters resumed their attack with small arms and RPGs. Jackson ignored the heavy fire, consolidating the wounded in a casualty collection point and treating their wounds. At one point, he performed CPR on an American casualty in critical condition. When the wounded were staged for evacuation, Jackson ran back to his vehicle and pulled out his 60mm mortar. For over an hour, sitting in the open in front of the vehicle, Jackson fired mortars at ISIS positions surrounding the team.
He dropped 6 rounds on top of a key ISIS position pinning the team down, destroying the enemy and helping to end the ambush. Jackson’s actions enabled the successful evacuation of 13 critically wounded casualties. For his heroic initiative, SPC Jackson was awarded the Bronze Star with “V”.
Just to remind all you old timers not all of us young bucks are bad
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This being Father’s Day God Bless you all.
Thank God we have kids like this in the military that can step up when needed. How much does he make an hour? Compare that to our politicians that think they are overpaid.
That young man is a true American hero! I totally agree with previous posts that he should have been awarded a higher grade model; Silver Star with V for valor at the least.
Should have been awarded at least the Silver Star, no doubt about it.
I agree that his valor award should have been higher and I also agree that had he been E-7 or an officer it more likely than not would have been MOH. A relative of mine was awarded the bronze star without V for meritorious driving. He didn’t wreck the jeep while ferrying around the general he was assigned to as his personal driver in Vietnam. He didn’t get squat for the year he spent humping an M60 in the Delta but got the Bronze Star for driving a general around Bien Hoa. Go figure.