Aug 18 , 2021
Ridiculous quotes today from White House, Milley about situation in Afghanistan
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley was asked about reports that intelligence warned of a deteriorating security situation in Afghanistan, with some suggesting President Biden may have ignored those concerns to press ahead with his planned drawdown of forces.
"There was nothing, that I or anybody else saw that indicated a collapse of this army and this government in 11 days," Milley said. Multiple news outlets have covered enough of this for Maury to say "that was a lie"...
The White House is doubling down on Vice President Kamala Harris' planned trip to Vietnam -- even as the rapid fall of Afghanistan is being compared to the fall of Saigon in 1975.
“There are no planned changes to the Vice President’s travel. She is being briefed regularly on the situation in Afghanistan and she and her national security team are actively engaged in White House and interagency discussions."
Harris is expected to continue to receive briefings on the Afghan crisis while overseas.
"Given our global leadership role, we can and we must manage developments in one region while simultaneously advancing our strategic interests in other regions on other issues," the official said. "The United States has many interests around the world, and we are well-equipped to pursue them all at the same time.” Have a hard time accepting that the White House is well-equipped to handle much of anything right now....but what about our interest right here at home? Shouldn't the pouring of humans across our southern border be a top concern? We know it sure is around here.
Defense Secretary Lloyd "Darth Vader" Austin was asked about U.S. taxpayer-funded aircraft that have reportedly gone missing from Afghanistan amid the Taliban takeover and evacuation effort.
“In terms of what we’re doing about them currently, right now we’re focused on the airfield and getting people out safely," he said. "So we’re gonna take that issue up at a later date." In other words, the bad guys can have super cool weaponry, but we're going to focus on making sure American citizens can't even own a semi-auto trigger.
“The situation is still very dangerous, very dynamic, and very fluid,” Joints Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley said at the Pentagon Wednesday.
All American citizens who want to get out of Afghanistan are the government’s top priority, he said. And the military is also working to help U.S. allies escape the country.
About 5,000 people have been evacuated so far, according to Milley.
“This is personal, and we’re gonna get them out,” he said.
“The situation is still very dangerous, very dynamic, and very fluid,” Joints Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley said at the Pentagon Wednesday.
All American citizens who want to get out of Afghanistan are the government’s top priority, he said. And the military is also working to help U.S. allies escape the country.
About 5,000 people have been evacuated so far, according to Milley.
“This is personal, and we’re gonna get them out,” he said.
Would've been SUPER COOL to do that ahead of turning the country over to terrorist Gen Woke...
“There have been no hostile interactions with the Taliban,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said during a Wednesday afternoon news briefing at the Pentagon.
He said U.S. troops have secured the airport, which is functioning safely – for now.
He said authorities were working to increase the speed of the evacuation effort on a daily bases.
“As we build out this capacity, we’re working hand-and-glove with the State Department,” he said.State Department officials are working to identify and process American citizens as well as other eligible evacuees and help get them to safety. Give it time, cool guy, give it time.
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Didn’t the Washington Post Fact check Biden’s claim of the Afghanistan Army having 300,000 soldiers is actually only 30 thousand troops?
I wonder why the chose the phrase “Hand and Glove”? If you search the phrase, it returns “close cooperation” But check out the Oxford, & Cambridge Dictionary or the Collins English Dictionary; and the answer is “to be working very closely with another person or organization, often in order to do something dishonest or immoral” Why do you think the top chuckle heads of the Defense Dept., SecDef Lloyd Austin, Defense Dept Spokesman John Kirby and GEN Mark Milley keep repeating this phrase? Things that make you go hmm!
Aaaaagggghhhhh!!! Clowns lead by a senile Dumbass
I agree Mike P… “not one damn word” should or can be believed!!!!!!
Scary thing is our National Security is being run by the same idiots claiming that a Taliban force of 75,000 in pickup trucks could never defeat the proud Afghan army and its 300,000 sophisticated and superior soldiers. Anyone who ever spent 5 minutes with the majority of the Afghan military would know when the rounds started flying those guys would freeze or run. They were a paper army, period, and the Administration knew this and they ignored it. The whole deal backfired on them because they believed the Afghans would at least hold the Taliban at bay until they got everyone out. We got caught with our pants down not ready for the blitz the Taliban put on them. And this sh@tshow is the result.