Meet the Navy SEAL who was shot 27 times and lived to tell the story

Aug 08 , 2020

Meet the Navy SEAL who was shot 27 times and lived to tell the story

Navy SEAL Sr. Chief Mike Day had never been shot before, but that changed dramatically one night in April 2007.

In 2007, Mike Day was caught in a brutal firefight with three al-Qaeda insurgents after he was the first of his team to enter a room in a town near Fallujah, Iraq. The enemy fighters opened fire, hitting Day with 27 separate bullets. 11 of the shots were stopped by his body armor, but 16 penetrated his body and left him perilously wounded.

A grenade then exploded just 10 feet away from him, knocking him unconscious. According to Day, when he woke up roughly a minute later, he managed to kill two of the fighters with his pistol.

“Upon entering that doorway, they all just opened up on me. It felt like somebody was just beating me up with sledgehammers,” Day said.

“After I’d figured out I was getting shot I said, ‘God, get me home to my girls.’ That was my first prayer to God, real prayer. When the fighting finally stopped, he miraculously got up and walked himself to a medical helicopter.

“People hear about my story and they can’t believe it. I was there and I can’t believe it,” Day said. “I got shot 27 times – 16 in the body and 11 times in my body armor. ”

“I was shot in both legs, both arms, my left thumb was almost amputated, I was shot in the abdomen and had a colostomy bag for a year, my right scapula was shattered, I was shot twice in the buttocks, once in the scrotum and my body armor was hit multiple times which caused fractured ribs and contusions on my lungs.”

The Navy SEAL spent just 16 days in the hospital – during which time he lost 50lbs – before he was discharged and awarded the Purple Heart, the oldest military decoration still given to serving military members in the US.

During the following years, he was treated for PTSD by the Carrick Brain Centers, in Dallas.

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  • 08 Aug 2020 Spc. Taylor

    Everyone knows that when a person swears into the U.S. Armed Forces they make great sacrifices. However there is one sacrifice they make that most civilians don’t realize or know about. When you swear in at MEPS (MILITARY ENLISTMENT PROCESSING STATION) and officially sign that contract for the the very first thing you sacrifice are your Constitutional Rights, because from that point forward you are not covered under the constitution, but rather governed under the UCMJ (Uniform Code of Military Justice )

  • 08 Aug 2020 Jerald Hughes


  • 08 Aug 2020 Jeff Decuypere

    If Americans could simply understand the level of selflessness these men live daily. The rest of us would fall on our faces and thank the Lord for them. And humbly ask God to help us be more like them. The strongest human being is one that always gives there best, for the benefit of others. These are truly God’s men of war. And remember what they do for us, so we don’t have to do it.

  • 08 Aug 2020 William Thomas Smith

    Thank God for BAD ASSES !!!

  • 08 Aug 2020 Ernst Becker

    For all Those that served and gave their most valued Possessions, their Lives, in order that America will remain an Independent Nation.
    " Mayo GOD ALMIGHTY Hold You In The Hollow Of His Hands For All Eternity ".

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